Can Cats Eat Corn Or Not? Why Do Cats Like Corn?

Do you know if you can give corn to cats? Corn is an ingredient that has been eaten as a staple food since ancient times. It’s sweet and delicious, so it’s a favorite food for both children and adults. Is there really no problem giving cats corn? Here are allergies and precautions for feeding them.

What is Corn? Is Corn Good For Cats?

Corn is a cereal. The lowest and highest quality cat food contains a small amount of corn. You can find it on the label, with the name of corn, cornmeal, corn grits, etc.

Some companies that produce cat food insist that corn is a good source of protein, but the fact is that it is added fiber. However, corn can contribute to obesity and can cause digestive problems for cats. In addition, since it is a cereal, it can cause diabetes as well.


However, your cat can have stomach disorders if you give a lot of it. If you give your cats corn as the main source of protein, instead of quality meat, they can suffer from dietary deficiency and organic damage. Keep in mind that cats are carnivorous in nature.

This means they need meat to survive. It also means that they cannot have complete nutrition only from cereals and plants. However, corn itself is not harmful to cat friends. Perhaps, you can give them with a tablespoon of corn only occasionally.

Is Corn Ok For Cats To Eat?
Corn is a good ingredient to give to cats, but it’s not something you want to give. The reason is that cereals are not good food for cats to digest.

Cats are carnivores in the first place. The wild era of cats ate and hunted small animals is not suitable for digesting dietary fiber and cereals because it is dedicated to the digestion of meat from the structure of the intestine, indigestion.

Can cats eat corn ? Most people enjoy eating corn in various forms. It is a staple diet in many countries in the world. Have you seen your cat starring at you, when you have a snack made of corn, even begging you to give them some ?

House cat eating corn on the table

Things to Keep In Mind When Giving Cats Corn?

  • Raw Corn is NG
  • Pay attention to the amount of corn because it originally has salt
  • Be careful not to clog corn skin in your throat

Do not give cats raw corn

Cats can feed corn without problems, but do not feed raw.

Pay attention to corn salt

You also need to be careful about salt. Salt? If you are wondering, corn is originally a high salt food. For this reason, corn is tasteful and delicious even when boiled.

Pay attention to the corn skin

Another thing to keep in mind when feeding is the thin skin on each corn grain.

Thin skin can get stuck in your throat and become difficult to eat, or it can get stuck in your throat. Be careful with thin skin. Indigestion may be mixed into the stool as it is in poor shape. When giving it, it is better to make it smaller, such as by chopping.

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